Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Winter Wildlife On Brad Street

In these frigid January days, wildlife is active when the sun shines. Here are three critters captured in a Brad Street backyard.

A House Wren puffs his feathers against the chill while deciding whether or not to challenge the current visitor at the suet feeder...

...which is a Red-Bellied Woodpecker who is intent on gobbling up the yummy suet for himself!

And a Grey Squirrel is nonplussed as he nibbles an acorn on a washtub.

(all above photos taken by Beth Fedorko from inside the warmth of her kitchen while using a zoom lens)

Please send your Raymondale in winter photos to be included in future blog posts to Beth Fedorko at ehfedorko@peoplepc.com.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Raymondale in the Washington Post

On January 5th, the Washington Post published an article about our neighborhood, Raymondale, in their weekly Real Estate section!

If you would like to read the article please go here.