Sunday, June 30, 2013

Raymondale Wildlife: Oh Deer!


Raymondale resident, Pam Hamby, spied this wee fellow in her yard this week:

According to Pam, "this fawn came by, sometimes a few times a day, and chewed on the rope.  He seemed relaxed and comforted as he worked the rope sideways in his mouth, like dental floss! He did not mind me stepping outside to snap a picture."

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Block Party Wrap Up!

The evening of Saturday, June 22 was a perfect day for the annual Raymondale Block Party held in Ellis Court! Oh what fun for all of the neighbors who attended! Lots of food, cool beverages, and activities for everyone! Just take a look at the many photos below!

 Neighbors chatting, catching up, and relaxing under the shade of the maple trees.

 Crafts! Duct tape bracelets in process.

 Hopscotch on the way! Get ready!

 Everyone got into the fun of making chalk art, turning Eliis Court into a whimsical, colorful art gallery!

 Some couldn't resist the thrill of seeing how high and fast the swing could go!
 Setting up the "groaning board" was a snap with so many delightful dishes brought to share!
 Freshly made blueberry pie, anyone?
 A big treat was the arrival of the neighborhood Grillmaster who braved the heat to make tasty treats!
 Yum yum! Let's dig in! Plenty of goodies for firsts and seconds!

 After dinner MORE fun, this time with bubbles!

 Who let the dogs out? Fur Friends were welcome too!

 MORE bubbles! Always a summertime treat!
 Hey, Grillmaster, where are you going? Look at that nifty skateboard wheeling that Weber!
 More chalk art from this wee Rembrandt!
 More relaxing and chatting!
 Here is one of those wonderful duct tape bracelets! So pretty!

 This doggie wants more hot dogs! But it is time to pack up and end the block party. A lot of food, friendship and fun filled the three hours of this wonderful Raymondale event!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Storm Season: Be Prepared!

Remember last year's Derecho that occurred on the evening of June 30, 2012? Well, so far this late spring/early summer has been quite wet and stormy, and we have seen our streets, sidewalks, and gutters turn into kayak-worthy waterways.

As the storm season is upon us, here are some tips to be prepared that has worked particularly well in our household. You may have already implemented some of these ideas in your own "be prepared" plan and some may be new to you. After last years Derecho we all are aware of how suddenly weather can drastically change our daily routines.

This list is by no means complete, but it is my family's "be prepared" list when bad weather threatens.

1. Have D batteries on hand for flashlights.
2. Fill up/top off the gas tank in each car (remember last year when many gas stations didn't have power?)
3. Keep a large bag (or two) of ice in the freezer. If the power goes out this will lengthen the time your freezer goods stay frozen.
4. Charge up all cell phones and any other necessary electronic devices prior to bad weather.
5. Keep protien based non-perishible food on hand, ie. peanut butter, trail mix, canned meat, chicken, or fish AND keep some small packets of condiments around.
6. Keep (and call if necessary) Dominions VA Power's report an outage number: 1-800-DOM-HELP in an easy to get to place.
7. Clear the outside drain(s) near your basement door (if you have them) of dirt, leaves, and other debris.
8. Have camp lanterns (not candles!) on hand with batteries. ALSO have some of those battery powered tea lights (one in each room) around--the dollar store is a good source, about 2 for a dollar and they come with batteries in them.

Please leave a comment below of your favorite "be prepared" tip for your Raymondale neighbors.  Thanks and have a wonderful day! AND mark your calendar for the Block Party on June 22nd!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Come on to The Annual Raymondale Block Party!

 Hello, Raymondale!

Have you ever been to one of our neighborhood's fun block parties? If you have, you know how FUN they are! Casual and laid back, the block party is a great time to meet neighbors you may have seen in passing as well as reconnect with old friends! Great food provided by YOU--bring your favorite dish to share---AND beverages as well as all picnic necessities are provided by the Raymondale Civic Association! Kids activities are provided--and some of the grown ups join in too! Bring a lawn chair and join your neighbors! Please read the particulars below...

Saturday, June 22
5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
at Ellis Ct.

Start off your summer the old-fashioned way – with a neighborhood picnic!

Meet new neighbors and reconnect with old friends at Raymondale’s annual block party, a long-standing potluck tradition. Come enjoy some informal time with great company, great food, and children’s activities. The block party is free and open to all neighborhood residents. The Raymondale Civic Association will provide drinks and eating utensils. Please bring a favorite dish to share.

For more information, call 703/641-4714. 

See you there!