Sunday, August 27, 2017

Annual Neighborhood Block Party: Perfect Weather!

The weather could not have been more lovely for Raymondale's annual community block party on Ellis court on Friday night. That, plus hot dogs, hamburgers, watermelon, shrimp fried rice, sides and salads --and a 6-foot table full of desserts -- made lingering easy(!)

One of the great things about the annual picnic is making new friends and catching up with old ones without having to get in a car, dress fancy  or hire a babysitter. The kids had a grand time of their own, running around on scooters, visiting the dessert table, staging a water balloon fight, revisiting the dessert table, creating glow stick creations in the dark, drawing on the sidewalk and doing whatever they wanted before summer finally officially draws to a close.

Thanks to Dustin and Larry for grilling, and to all the neighbors who came, brought something to share, and pitched in. Let's do it again next year! (written by Whitney Redding)

Saturday, June 24, 2017

School's Out! So, Burn That Old Homework!

Lots of fun was had at the Raymondale homework burn off this evening on Ellis Court! Kids ripped into their  old school papers with a vengeance before switching to summer with hearty round of Smore's. Final fun was Water balloon toss game and then the kids conspired to chase down An innocent bystander father who got a good soak out of it. Thanks to the Peters family for hosting!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Annual Egg Hunt on a Beautiful Day!

We had gorgeous weather and a big turnout at today's Spring egg hunt on St. James Place. Kids under five got a head start searching for plastic eggs full of goodies,and then the rest of the kids up to 11 years old were off and running. When it was done, lots of people stayed to enjoy meeting new neighbors, picking out free books from the little library, munching on donuts and candy or searching, searching, searching for that last little hidden treasure in the grass. Many thanks to the Brittons for hosting the egg hunt this year! And to the teens who helped hide the goodies before the young ones arrived. Have a good weekend everybody!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

No Foolin'! April 1st Luria Park Clean Up a HUGE Sucess!

On Saturday Morning, April 1st, over 80 volunteers filled 70 bags of trash along with a bunch of tires, chairs, and other assorted treasures. Thanks especially to the 40+ students and parents from the Belvedere Elementary School Outdoor Club who arrived on mass in a school bus! Neighbors from Raymondale and Holmes Run Acres joined the students and combed the park with pincers, gloved hands, and large trash bags provided by Fairfax County Parks. Some of us (this blogger and other parents) actually got into the creek with a pitchfork and removed the debris stacked up against the fallen tree near the basketball court. It was wonderful seeing the results of the hard work of so many!