Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Please Come to the 30th Annual National Night Out at Woodely Pool

30th National Night Out will be held on Tuesday, August 6 from 7:00 pm -9:00 pm at Woodley Pool!


Come join your neighbors and get answers to questions you might have about crime and crime prevention in the area. Our Mason District police will stop by to say hello and give you a chance to get to know them.

Raymondale will join other communities across the Nation to heighten crime-prevention awareness and most importantly to send a message that our neighborhoods are organized and vigilant. It's also a perfect opportunity to get to know your neighbors even better! Woodley Pool is open to everyone (membership not required). Turn on your porch light and then come on by for a swim and a hot dog. If you care to bring a favorite dessert or other dish to share that would be great, but not required.

If you have any questions, please call Raymondale Co-President, Sandy McConville at (703) 402-1576.

Raymondale Co-President, Whitney Redding, shared her thoughts about the importance of participation in National Night Out:

Don't know about you, but I've been wondering about what makes our little Raymondale suddenly so popular... In case you haven't heard, we've had a rash of low-grade park vandalism and car crimes this summer - including a car stolen from Add Dr, another stolen car found abandoned on Arnold Ln, and a police chase through the stream valley behind our homes related to a third car theft. 

What gives? Turns out, Raymondale is not alone. There has been an uptick in car thefts throughout Mason District. Partly because of this, I hope you will take the opportunity to join your neighbors at a meet-and-greet with our local police and firefighters at our neighborhood's own version of 30th Annual National Night Out  - from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday Aug 6 at Woodley Pool. This is your opportunity to ask questions and thank the very officers who  protect our neighborhood. Come with your questions, bring the whole family, and plan to enjoy a lovely night-time swim while hanging out with neighbors. You do NOT have to be a member of Woodley Pool to attend; this free event is sponsored by both the Raymondale and Broyhill Park Civic Associations and is open to ALL residents of both neighborhoods. Hot dogs and drinks will be served. Feel free to bring a dessert or dish to share if you like (optional). We will take care of the rest. 

You might think the main purpose of National Night Out is to meet the officers, but it's also about "raising awareness." To me, that means meeting (or just greeting) a larger swath of neighbors than I already know. The more we all know our neighbors, the safer our neighborhood will be. It takes a "village" to keep our community safe!
See you there!