A smorgasbord of delicious dishes provided by the neighbors was enjoyed by everyone!
Yum yum!
Our Fairfax County Representative Penny Gross stopped by to say hello and to let us know some of the things she is currently working on. These include promoting the Leis Center to be turned back into an elementary school, working with the library board to ensure our libraries run smoothly and don't toss out books, and to invite everyone to the Mason Distritct Holiday gathering on Dec. 4th at the Mason District Center on Columbia Pike.
A lively presentation was given by a representative from the Fairfax County Office of Emergency management. He gave us valuable information concerning weather related emergencies and the value of "protecting in place" and gathering information during times of emergency. For more detailed information on OEM, please follow this link: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/oem/
The meeting was fun and informative. New and long-time residents of Raymondale attended. Thanks to all who made this a wonderful event!