Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Raccoon Near Ellis Ct.

The Dubas family, who lives on Add Dr near Ellis Ct., has spotted a raccoon on several occasions during the daylight hours. The raccoon was observed as being a little "friendly" and walking slowly and strangely.

Animal control was contacted but as of this post, no action was taken on their part. But of you see a raccoon acting strangely please don't approach it and call animal control.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Raymondale, We Have A Bridge...

Hello, Neighbors!~~

Dan and Beth Fedorko of Brad St. just happened to be in Luria Park this afternoon (1-2 p.m.) and happened to have a camera. They were there in time to see the new bridge being hoisted and lowered into place. Not since the Friendship Bridge spanning the Niagara River between the USA and Canada has a bridge meant more to two groups of people. Soon our neighborhood and the neighbors of Holmes Run will be able to cross the creek in safety and style! Here are some photos of the beautiful new bridge being placed onto its new home...

First the bridge still on its trailer was pushed to the edge of the creek.

Then straps and cbles were put on the bridge and looped over the crane's hook.

Then up the bridge went being guided by some very brave men who moved it gently along with just the tips of their fingers.

 More maneuvering.

The bridge was slowly lowered and the men maneuvered it some more.

Placing the metal "feet" of the bridge down on the bolts in the concrete took some patience and finessing.

The man in charge walks across for a final inspection.

And the bridge is in place! It will, of course, be a little while before the boardwalk is complete, but soon...soon we will unite will Luria Park and Homes Run once more! Yay!

Monday, March 3, 2014

More Winter Time Nature In Raymondale!

A Red Shouldered Hawk, actually a pair of them, has been spotted flying over the Brad Street backyards.

Josh Byrd shared this photo of a female Red Shouldered Hawk perched on an oak tree in his backyard. These hawks will prey on songbirds at feeders, so beware!

Here is a close up of a male Red Shouldered Hawk contributed by Dan Fedorko...

During this snowy and very cold weather, a heated bird bath is enjoyed by European Starlings who look like they are conspiring to do no good....
And if you have asked yourself, "What does the fox say?", well Pam Hamby, who contributed this photo of a Red Fox  who ate stale crackers under her bird feeder, says, "I like crackers but I don't care for Cheeze-Its!"

Keep those great nature photos coming!