The evening was highlighted with a wonderful presentation by architect Mario Pareja. Mario gave great insights on our "Atomic"
houses and various construction issues that can arise because of
the way these houses were constructed. RCA board wishes to thank
the Wilsons and local architect, Mario Pareja, for sharing their
experiences and answering
attendees' questions. Watch the next
newsletter for more information on Orangeburg pipes and local
watershed-related building restrictions.
Much interest was generated by Raymondale's
new "Little Library" on St. James Place, with a
display (and free book giveaway) thanks to Nicole and Tony
Great information on birds was shared with brochures and a display board of photos taken of birds in the area. A fabulous
door prize of birdfeeding-related products (donated by Dan and Beth Fedorko) was won by one of
Raymondale's newest families!
While their parents talked and did
boring stuff, little kids formed creative bird feeders from pipe
cleaners and Cheerios.
Among new initiatives announced: a new
gardening committee for the new Raymondale sign; formation of a
new task force on neighbors helping neighbors during disasters
(as part of a pilot program by Fairfax County and FEMA); the
decision to go ahead and compile a new neighborhood
-The current board was reelected. Thanks,
everyone, for the great
turnout so that all of us can be that
much more aware and responsive to what you, the residents, want
RCA to do!