Sunday, August 27, 2017

Annual Neighborhood Block Party: Perfect Weather!

The weather could not have been more lovely for Raymondale's annual community block party on Ellis court on Friday night. That, plus hot dogs, hamburgers, watermelon, shrimp fried rice, sides and salads --and a 6-foot table full of desserts -- made lingering easy(!)

One of the great things about the annual picnic is making new friends and catching up with old ones without having to get in a car, dress fancy  or hire a babysitter. The kids had a grand time of their own, running around on scooters, visiting the dessert table, staging a water balloon fight, revisiting the dessert table, creating glow stick creations in the dark, drawing on the sidewalk and doing whatever they wanted before summer finally officially draws to a close.

Thanks to Dustin and Larry for grilling, and to all the neighbors who came, brought something to share, and pitched in. Let's do it again next year! (written by Whitney Redding)

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